Maria Papadima

Dr Maria Papadima is a translator and translation expert and teacher at the university of Athens. She studied French Philology, Comparative Literature and Translation in Athens, Paris, Brussels and Lisbon. She worked for a decade as a translator in the Council of the European Union. Today she is a professor at the Department of French Language and Literature of Greek Kapodestrian University . She has participated in international conferences in Greece and abroad and organized fora on literary translation . Her texts and essays have been published in magazines and collective volumes. She has translated a large part of the work of Fernando Pessoa as well as works of Masado de Assis, Chico Buarke, Lobo Antones, Samuel Beckett, Costa Axelos, Blaise Sandrar, Boris Vian, Octavio Pas and others. In 2008 he was honored with the State Prize for Literary Translation for the Book of Concern by F. Pessoa and in 2018 with the Order of the Knight of the Academic Phoenix of the French Republic. In 2012, her study The Multiple Mirrors of Translation was published, while in 2021 she published the collective volume on translation titled Citizens of Babylon: “Translators and their word”.

Participated in the Event “Historical and Cultural Routes in the Mediterranean”